Wednesday, April 4, 2012

connecting the dots

I can't tell you how many days, Eliana and I would go outside to play...and I would come inside and try to distract her with something so that I could cry my eyes out. We live in a small neighborhood with tons of young families. We love love love our neighbors! They have been our community. There are 6 girls on our side of the street alone...and for the last 3 years, Eliana has been in our own little world. The girls (and Luke) would ride their on the swing to engage Eliana, and our sweet girl could not go there. She lived in her own little world of fear and panic. But ever since going on her seizure and anxiety medication, I am watching little miracles happening left and right. Today, I opened the door and she clearly said, "Two packages momma." I didn't even know she knew the word "package." She will ask me if she can go outside and play with her friends. WHAT?!! I can't tell you how much that makes me smile. She is connecting. This is a dream I've had for her that I really thought might never happen and grieved only a few weeks ago like it would never happen. Oh me of little faith...every smile and laugh is a victory. Every new word coming out of her mouth is music to my ears. She is perfectly wonderful either way...I am just celebrating that my little girl is having fun! She is discovering new things. She is playing with people. She is talking to me. She can't count to 20 or say her ABC's, but she can ride her scooter like a person straight from the XGames. I love this little girl. So many things have been so mixed up in her little brain for so long, and she is finally beginning to connect the dots. Thank you Lord.


Bethany said...

That is wonderful news for Sweet Eliana!!! I am so happy for you guys for these small yet huge steps!!!

Erin said...

What a deep sigh of relief I just had.
So so thankful for doctors and medicines and parents and supportive friends willing to stay the course!

Still praying for you, but my prayers are including more and more gratitude.

Heather said...

Oh Lindsey,this made my day! Big joy in the simple things that many parents take for granted.
God loves you so much for taking care of his child ,Eliana....when you felt you could not take it still loved his child! He picked you for her because he knows you can do it....after all, he already knows how amazing your family will be.
So happy she is starting to appear..your little girl.
Heather Schurman-Grass
Paul's sister

Gina & Tommy said...

Just Glorious!

The Ranch Mom said...

OH LINDSEY!!! I am so thankful! I love that little girl and we love ya'll!

Lainie said...

Awe!!! That's WONDERFUL news, Lindsey!

Alison B. said...

so encouraging. celebrate every victory! none of it is small.

LouLou said...

Oh how our God rocks...I LOVE to hear of His healing, and I trust that His hand will continue to be on Eliana as well as her mommy and daddy...It's often when we fall to the depths and the bottom of the well that we look up and see Light. As we pull closer we see more and more of His light shining. God's light is shining through your family RIGHT now. He is going to use Eliana's story to bring Him endless glory. Your faith and belief in Him is going to heal your daughter... I pray that more and more people find this blog and strength from your situation...most importantly the knowledge that God is ALWAYS there and He is ALWAYS faithful. ALWAYS. He NEVER leaves us...not for a second. I'm covered in His spirit right now and am praising Him for the miracles He is giving Eliana, and I know the best is yet to come. I sure do love you sweet Lindsey.

The Velvet Trunk said...

Thankful and happy tears. Rejoicing with you!!! Love you guys!!!

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